DIY Bookshelf Upgrade

DIY Bookshelf Upgrade
So this is hardly a tutorial but more a little piece on how to revive and upgrade an old piece of furniture. I have had this bookshelf for 13 years now. It has traveled with me to about 7 different homes I've lived in and I was about done with it as we moved into our recent house. 

I bought this when I was way more into silver and now I'm a gold and black girl. I wish I had taken a picture of it before, it was a little rusted, a little worn out, and just tired looking. I almost threw it out and then I thought, "What would a little black spray paint do?" The answer? WONDERS!

I am SO happy I decided to give this baby another chance. The moral of the story... when you're not sure what to do, spray paint that shit!

Below are a few tips on spray painting:

DIY Bookshelf Upgrade - Craft Tutorials

This is the spray paint I like to use. I love anything Rust-Oleum (no they are not paying me to say that...maybe one day)! This one includes a primer in it. If you pick out a spray paint that doesn't include primer I would suggest buying a primer and applying that before your paint.

DIY Bookshelf Upgrade - Craft Tutorials
DIY Bookshelf Upgrade - Craft Tutorials

Best to sand down any surface you want to paint. This will help the paint adhere to the item. Click here for the sandpaper and sanding block I use.

DIY Bookshelf Upgrade - Craft Tutorials

Cover your painting surface (I used old moving boxes) and then spray paint! Here are some tips for spray painting:

  • Shake can for 2-3 minutes before painting. This will help your paint will come out smooth.
  • Wear a handkerchief over your nose and mouth, the fumes are very toxic
  • Hold the spray can about 10-12 inches away while spraying and do a very light coat, wait for the light coat to dry, and then apply another light coat. Repeat this until you get your desired results. If you do heavy coats OR don't let the light coats dry completely before doing the next you risk your paint dripping and not going on evenly. Patience is key here.
  • Let it dry completely (24+ hours) before assembling it. 

DIY Bookshelf Upgrade - Craft Tutorials
And that is about it! Once you get comfortable with spray paint you will be painting everything! I know I do. I spray paint things that are rusted, decor that the color has gone out of style, things that need a little upgrade...honestly everything.

I love my new bookshelf! If you have any questions on spray painting comment below. 

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial! If so, pin it to Pinterest to share with the world. 

If you want to continue your DIY journey check out our crafts kits HERE. You can buy one for yourself or a bunch to have a craft party (the more you buy the less it is per person). Also, check out our next subscription craft box HERE

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Until next time...

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