Social Crafts - Craft Party Hosting - How to host a crafts party

SOCIAL CRAFTS brings more creativity into your life! My name is Casey Lum-Dautel and I am the founder. I teach you how to host beautifully interactive craft gatherings for people to connect creatively. Whether it's a ladies craft night with your friends or hosting a community event at your business I show you how to effortlessly host a craft party of your own. 


  • Craft ideas great for groups (of course you can use our ideas to craft individually as well)
  • Party food ideas: full party menus filled with recipes for appetizers, cocktails, and desserts
  • Party hosting tips & hacks to make having a gathering a breeze (coming soon)


Craft parties are a unique and interactive way to gather. People creating and achieving something together naturally builds a bond and encourages camaraderie. It also boosts brain health reducing stress and anxiety, improving your ability to focus, and helps you become a better problem solver. Replace your traditional cocktail party with a Craft and Wine night and see the magic happen!


  • Parties: birthday parties, baby showers, bridal showers, bachelorette parties, etc.
  • Business: for team building within your staff OR as an enticing event to bring in new customers
  • Events: festivals, camps, openings, conferences, conventions, farmers markets, night markets, etc.
  • Just to get the Friends Together: for no reason at all but to have a "Wine & Craft Night" or a "Mimosa & Craft Brunch". Perfect excuses to see your friends in a unique and fun atmosphere.


My craft events started in 2014. The idea first came to me when I owned a women's clothing boutique on Melrose. I hosted a monthly “Whisky, Wine, and Craft Night” in the store for the locals. It was incredibly popular, brought awareness to my boutique, and the community together. Everyone had a blast and we sold out every time we had one! 

Soon other businesses and friends were approaching me to do this for them, and that’s when SOCIAL CRAFTS (the company) was born. SOCIAL CRAFTS started as a traveling full-service Craft Party business, where I would host DIY craft gatherings at businesses, private parties, and events. Completing everything from set-up, teaching the craft, and cleanup for the event.

Soon there were more requests for bookings than I could handle so I started packing and shipping craft supply boxes and teaching the crafts via online tutorials to the groups instead.

In 2019 my husband and I got pregnant with our first child and I decided to solely focus on online craft and hosting instruction via YouTube. It seemed like a more streamline way to get you information, so that is where we are today!

I combine my years of crafting and hosting experience to bring you craft ideas, party food recipes, and party tips & hacks on my SOCIAL CRAFTS YouTube channel to help you host a craft party (or any party for that matter) on your own. I post new videos every Wednesday and in the description of my videos are complete craft supply links of everything you'll need for easy purchasing. You can also visit our DIY craft tutorial page  to get all the information you need as well.

We are excited to bring all this goodness to you and are happy to have you along on this journey!!

Casey Lum-Dautel

Want to know more about the founder Casey Lum-Dautel? Keep scrolling below...

 Social Crafts Founder - Casey Lum

As the founder of SOCIAL CRAFTS, it is my pleasure to bring crafts directly to you. Being a creator has been a passion of mine since I was young and I love sharing it with the people around me. From making Barbie clothes when I was little to crafts throughout my childhood and then becoming a fashion designer after college, creating is in my blood. I have a knack for seeing something in a store and instead of buying it, I recreate it!

I come from a huge artistic, do-it-yourself family and after being in the fast-paced fashion industry since 2004, I decided to come back to my roots and do the thing that really makes my heart sing... crafting with my hands.

It is one of my greatest joys to teach and be in the process of you learning something new. I see it as my purpose to help you become more confident in your abilities and awaken the creator that lies within you. If I can help you realize your potential and believe in yourself a little bit more, I have done my job.

I am here to teach you. Inspire you. Help build and create you.

Join me on YouTube and see your possibilities!

XOXO, Casey Lum-Dautel